عادة ماكاتي (Makkatte’) بسولاويسي الجنوبية: بين التعاليم الدينية والتقاليد المحلية



This research discusses about one of the customs or social traditions practiced by Muslim community in South Sulawesi. tradition is called “Makkatte”. It said that this stems from teachings Islam, which includes a ceremony female circumcision. well known circumcision has become subject for public debate and discussion our present era, after classical jurists agreed on its legitimacy, despite their differences ruling, whether such practice considered religious obligation Sunnah. aims to define Makkatte status Sulawesi community, addition rule Islamic jurisprudence. adopts descriptive analytical method allows researcher obtain information, documents folk narratives. also used field work making interviews with relevant sources distributing questionnaires 16 regions One most important findings ablution, pronouncement shahada, reciting some verses Qur’an, In ritual process, often performed person as Sanro, means midwife according Bugis language The majority an every female, it shahada study affirms additional customary ceremonies does not affect fact compliance God Almighty's command circumcise females.

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عنوان ژورنال: Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2442-9031', '2303-243X']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31291/hn.v11i2.666